Metalize 566 Black Textile Pants
Metalize 566 Black Textile Pants
Perry Bikes
11 Tetford Circle, Somerset Park
South Africa
Metalize 566 Black Textile Pants
Metalize is a fundamentalist in rider-technology to ensure Moto Performance Riding, with a broad spectrum of phenomenal and enhanced product quality and standards to meet every type of riders needs. Metalize products are like"PPE" designed but rather built for PRR; Protect-Ride-Repeat as its principle in ensuring they give all the essential protecting required by all types of conditions.
Metalize Pants have been designed to provide maximum ventilation with rigid weight design and efficient protection for almost any rider any seasons in a single day. Being weatherproof and waterproof. The Impact Protectors Suitable For Use In Motorcycle Clothing. These Impact Protectors meet minimum requirements of BS EN 1621-1: These Impact protectors are designed to minimise almost any impact with other objects. These CE approved protection inclusion minimise injury possibilities while providing comfort and style.